The Final Rule

I am traveling again this week, and working hard on the ideas you need to overcome the roadblocks and have that breakthrough. I had a great flight tonight, even though it was a bit late. I had a nice chat with the gate agent in Denver, had a great flight attendant, and although we were delayed, I got into the hotel in time to see the end of the Patriots v. Ravens Monday Night Football game.

As I chatted with the gate agent, we got to talking about customer service. She mentioned how much she enjoyed helping people, and even though she often answers the same questions over and over, she enjoys that she can make things easier for them.

We talked about how powerful a smile is as she thanked me for being patient while she worked with the arriving flight attendant.

Think about that. It was one of the keys that Dale Carnegie outlined in his famous work, "How to Win Friends and Influence People." Do YOU smile?

It's one of those little things that really makes a difference. I talk about more in Open Your Heart with Skiing (, so pick up a copy.

Let's go!

Stephen Sven Hultquist

PS I'm running low on copies of the book, so make sure to get yours in time for gift giving! Remember that I'll inscribe it for you!