Individual Coaching


Everyone needs a coach. When you consider how the greatest athletes each have coaches working with them to improve and grow, it becomes obvious how the insights, wisdom, and guidance of a coach provides you the best opportunity to grow towards your own success.

What Does Coaching Look Like?

Individual coaching is a one-on-one experience which provides you with the experience of unpacking your own work in a confidential setting catering to your specific goals and objectives. Typically, we start by looking at the foundation of living: thoughts, thinking habits, and how they impact you. You will have the opportunity to unpack how your thoughts can become obstacles introducing risks into your life as we reveal those thinking habits and put language to them.

A typical initial coaching engagement comprises at least 14 sessions following the introductory meetings. These sessions allow you to examine thinking habits in both your inside world and outside world, putting language to how your thoughts talk to you about your self-worth, your mental creation, and your personal fulfillment. It also uncovers what your thoughts tell you about connection, physical creation, and structure. Since each of these areas has multiple thinking habits, we'll spend an average of two sessions in each of these habit areas, looking at your thinking habits, how they impact you, and tools for improving your success in living intentionally.

While there is structure to the work, there is always freedom to address life events and challenges which show up during the coaching. Shoring up your foundation first provides a basis for ongoing growth and additional areas of focus.

Additional Areas

Further coaching will give you the prospect of looking at how you can live an inspired life, avoiding stress, seeing the world differently, and developing clarity for your destiny, character, and calling. As you develop these insights, you will be able to expand into methods for inspiring others and inspiring the world. This is life changing, both for you and for those whose lives you touch.

Again, there will also be openings for unpacking specific life events and challenges in the context of these modes to find different and more beneficial ways of living and acting.


Following any formal coaching engagements, you will always be able to reach out to connect and get input as you implement these new ways of navigating life. This is a long-term relationship if you choose to maintain it.