Time Flies

Last Friday was one of those days. We all rolled out of bed early, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and were on the road a few minutes after 7. The weather was brilliant; a Colorado blue-sky day. A couple of hours later, all five of us were standing on the slopes at Copper Mountain, ready for a day of sliding around as a family. We were there with another family and we met some other friends there, too.

It was a memorable day.

Gabe had some breakthroughs in his skiing, spending the entire day on the high-speed quads with the rest of the family. He was learning to use the shape of his skis (see chapter seven of the book -- http://stephenhultquist.com/skiing.html), and enjoying the feeling of control and freedom that comes from using the skis as tools.

Since then, time has been a blur. It hardly seems like it was more than a week ago, but it was. A lot has happened since then, some good and some exceptionally challenging.

But it's life.

And that's part of the secret to life: this is life. The past is done and can only be a memory. The future is a promise. All we have is what is here and now.

How do you live? Think about that truth as much as you can. It's about right now. How you are living and where it's leading you. (More on this in Time Shaving at http://stephenhultquist.com/shaving-book.html.)

Today. Now. This moment. It will be gone soon enough. How you live it determines your life.


Let's go!

Stephen Hultquist

PS I've decided to leave Time Shaving on pre-pub for another week or so. Grab it now if you've been thinking about it: http://stephenhultquist.com/shaving-book.html.