What's with the Attitude?

Don't you love this time of year? There's so much to enjoy. More than anything, though, it's about the attitude. Tomorrow, I'll get together with a couple of other families to celebrate Thanksgiving. There will be turkey and the fixin's. There will be football and fun. Friends, family, food, football, and freedom.

It's a reminder of how blessed we all are.

Life isn't perfect, but it's good. We wake up each morning on the up side of the grass. We can breathe and think, eat and sleep.

And this is the time of year when we refresh our attitude of gratitude...

I am grateful for so much, especially for you. Thank you for reading these emails, sharing your thoughts when you can, and working with me to make the world a better place. It IS getting better, and we'll keep working at it.

Thank you. Sincerely. I appreciate your friendship and our connection.

May you deeply experience your blessings this Thanksgiving.

To YOUR success, ssh

PS Thank you. You are one of a kind.